

Research progress of female inter-pregnancy interval and its impact on maternal and infant health

  • 摘要: 生育间隔通常是指从前一次正常分娩到下一次受孕之间的间隔。生育间隔不仅影响着一个国家和地区的生育水平和人口长期均衡发展,而且其过长或过短均会对母婴健康造成不良影响。目前,在我国“三孩政策”背景下,女性生育间隔问题变得尤为重要。本文对生育间隔的定义、状况、影响因素、不同生育间隔对母婴健康的影响,以及适宜的生育间隔时长进行了梳理,旨在为我国女性备孕提供科学依据和理论支持。


    Abstract: Inter-pregnancy interval (IPI) usually refers to the interval between the previous live birth and the next conception. It not only affects the fertility level and the long-term balanced development of population in a country or region, but also has adverse effects on maternal and child health if IPI is too long or too short. At present, under the background of China’s “three-child policy”, the issue of female IPI has become particularly important. This paper reviews the definition, status, factors associated with IPI, the impact of different IPI on maternal and infant health, and the appropriate IPI, in order to provide scientific evidence and theoretical support to prepare women for conception scientifically.


