Objective To explore the epidemic characteristics of infectious diseases among children in Guangming new district,and to provide effective measure for its prevention and control.
Methods Descriptive epidemiology methods were used to analyze the data of the infectious diseases in children under three years old in Guangming new district from 2013 to 2017 which were obtained from China information system for disease control and prevention.
Results The total of infectious diseases was 28120 cases in children under 3 years old from 2013 to 2017 in Guangming new district,the annual average incidence rate was 11.25%,the annual report incidence rate had increased year by year after 2014,between 8.75% and 15.01%. The number of case of boys significantly higher than girls. The highest incidence rate was in the children aged one year group(15.07%). The lowest was in the children aged two years group(5.76%). The top five diseases were hand-foot-mouth disease,other infectious diarrhea disease,varicella,influenza and mumps.
Conclusion The incidence rate of children under three years old had increased year by year in Guangming new district.Hand-foot-mouth disease and other infectious diarrhea disease are the main infectious diseases which should be prevented and controlled. Improving the vaccination rate,strengthening infectious diseases health instruction,cooperation of the family,community and hospital are the effective measure to decrease the infectious diseases rate.