

The study and practice of management mode of women and children's public health programs in women and children's health care hospital of Hunan province

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨湖南省妇幼保健院妇幼公共卫生项目的管理模式及效果。方法 以“结构-过程-结果”分析方法,从组织结构、资源配置、规章制度、开展的项目系统活动、结果等方面对湖南省妇幼保健院妇幼公共卫生项目的管理策略进行总结分析。结果 采用健全辖区质量管理三级组织、成立多学科项目小组、保障群体保健人员工作时间及待遇、规范公共卫生不良事件上报、每月推进项目进度、定期组织项目重点问题交流讨论会等综合性策略措施促进项目的良性运行。2017年妇幼公共卫生项目的培训督导覆盖面、频次、质量等均较上年同期有所增高,保健与临床的融合更加深入,项目相关的质量管理工作落实日趋规范。2015-2017年湖南省主要妇幼卫生指标逐步改善,孕产妇死亡率、5岁以下儿童死亡率、出生缺陷发生率等呈逐年下降趋势,妇幼重大公共卫生项目取得显著成效。结论 湖南省妇幼保健院的妇幼公共卫生项目管理模式运行良好,有效提高了项目的实施质量与成效,通过不断改进,将为妇幼公共卫生项目更好地惠及全省妇女儿童提供强有力的保障。


    Abstract: Objective To explore the management mode and effects of the women and children's public health programs of Women And Children's Health Care Hospital of Hunan Province.Methods Based on the structure-process-result analysis method, the management strategies of the women and children's public health programs were summarized and analyzed from the aspects of organizational structure, resource allocation, regulations, system activities and results.Results Comprehensive measures promoted the efficient implementation of the programs, including the establishment of a three-level organization for quality management, the establishment of multidisciplinary program teams, the guarantee of working hours and salary of health workers, the reporting of public health adverse events, the monthly project progress, and the organization of seminars of project key issues. In 2017, the coverage, frequency and quality of training and supervision for public health programs increased compared with the same period of last year. The integration of health care and clinical practices was deeper, and the quality management works related to the program was more standardized. In 2015-2017, the main women and children's health indicators in Hunan Province have gradually improved, and the maternal mortality rate, the mortality rate of children under 5 years old, and the incidence of birth defects have decreased year by year.The major public health programs for women and children achieved remarkable effectiveness.Conclusion The management mode of the women and children's public health program performed well, effectively improving the quality and effectiveness of the program.Through continuous improvement, it will provide a strong guarantee for the women and children's public health programs to benefit more women and children.


