

Statistical analysis of the journal articles published in Chinese Journal of Women and Children Health from 2011 to 2018

  • 摘要: 目的 分析《中国妇幼卫生杂志》2011-2018年刊登论文情况,为期刊的可持续发展提供参考。方法 对《中国妇幼卫生杂志》2011-2018年刊出的全部论文进行统计,分析其刊登的基金论文,以及扩展总被引频次、影响因子、他引率,并与其他同类期刊进行比较。结果 《中国妇幼卫生杂志》2011-2018年共出版47期、刊出1264篇论文,其中基金论文国家级6篇、省部级118篇、市级60篇、其他11篇;扩展影响因子由2014年的0.542上升到2018年的0.815。结论 期刊的发展与其学科的发展是相辅相成的,同时与国家的相关政策导向密不可分。通过对《中国妇幼卫生杂志》2011-2018年8年论文出版情况进行分析,从中得出随着国家对妇幼保健机构的投入不断加强,尤其是对基层和西部的妇幼保健机构的支持力度非常大,使妇幼保健机构无论是硬件设施还是软件装备均有明显改善。相应的基金论文及基层与西部欠发达地区的来稿量也有所增加。特别是2009年我国启动了农村妇女乳腺癌、宫颈癌检查项目、增补叶酸预防神经管缺陷项目、15岁以下人群补种乙肝疫苗项目等6项重大公共卫生服务项目,使得临床方面的稿件激增,为期刊选择优秀论文提供了保障。8年来的扩展影响因子也呈上升趋势,2018年达到0.815。


    Abstract: Objective To analyze the papers published in Chinese Journal of Women and Children Health during 2011 and 2018, and to provide a reference for the sustainable development of the journal.Methods All the papers published in Chinese Journal of Women and Children Health from 2011 to 2018, especially fund papers, were analyzed. The citing rate, impact factors and non-selfcited rate of this journal were compared with them of other similar journals.Results From 2011 to 2018, Chinese Journal of Women and Children Health has published 47 issues and 1264 papers. Of the fund papers, 6 were national, 118 provincial and ministerial, 60 municipal and 11 were the others. The impact factor increased from 0.542 in 2014 to 0.815 in 2018.Conclusions The development of journal is closely related to the development of the relevant disciplinesas well as the relevant policy orientation of the government.The study results demonstrated that the facilities and equipment of the maternal and child health care institutions have improved greatly by increasing national input and support, especially the grass-root institutions and those in the western regions. The corresponding published fund papers and papers of the grass-root level and from the western region have also increased. Furthermore, 6 major public health programs started from 2009, including the breast cancer and cervical cancer screening program for rural women, the folic acid supplementation program to prevent neural tube defects, and the HBV vaccine program for population under the age of 15, contributed to a proliferation of clinical manuscripts and guaranteed the selection of excellent papers in our journal. The impact factor has also shown an upward trend in the past 8 years, reached 0.815 in 2018.


