

Discuss the Significant Role of Health Education in the maternal and child health (MCH)

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨妇幼卫生工作对提高全民健康素养的重要性。方法 分析妇幼卫生工作所具有的特殊重要意义,以及健康教育的目的、意义及作用;探讨我国的妇幼卫生工作中的健康素养教育。结果 根据妇幼卫生工作性质所具有的特殊重要性,妇幼卫生工作中的健康素养教育应从育龄妇女抓起。由于我国的人口老龄化日趋加剧,国家出台了二孩政策,如何保障二孩政策产生的人口红利,是对我国妇幼卫生工作的最大考验,其中的健康教育工作就起到了保驾护航的重要作用。结论 强烈呼吁从事健康教育的专家、学者行动起来,为我国妇幼卫生工作中的健康教育提供专业服务。同时与国际接轨,将国外成功的健康教育模式为我所用,推动我国妇幼卫生事业又好、又快的发展,为维护妇女儿童健康、家庭幸福和社会和谐做出更大贡献。


    Abstract: Objective This paper aims to discuss the significant role of the maternal and child health (MCH) education in improving the public health literacy.Methods Through content analysis, we analyzed the significance, meanings, purposes and effects of MCH and uncovered the state quo of health literacy education of MCH in China. Result On account of the particular importance of MCH by its nature, the health literacy education of MCH should be disseminated to women from their child-bearing age.As the aging of the population in China is becoming more and more serious, the new two-child policy was issued to address the aging population. MCH education plays an importance role in securing the population dividend effect of the two-child policy and further contributing to address the issues of aging population.Conclusion This paper encourages health education experts and scholars to assist in the popularization of the MCH education in China by providing professional health education service. Meanwhile, this paper suggests importing the successful foreign health education model to improve domestic MCH industry and to contribute to domestic MCH and social harmony.


