

SWOT analysis for the status of common gynecological disease screening in China

  • 摘要: 目的 了解我国妇女常见病筛查工作现况,分析工作中存在的内部优势(S)、劣势(W)以及外部机会(O)、威胁(T)因素(SWOT)并提出针对性改进措施。方法 采用信函调查、现场调查与专家咨询相结合的方法进行资料收集;采用SWOT分析方法对资料进行系统分析。结果 优势:有多层面免费检查项目且覆盖范围不断扩大、三级妇幼保健服务网络运转良好、宣教力度不断增大;劣势:包括资金不足、数据来源未明确、缺乏规范化管理、专项筛查项目不足、医务人员对筛查工作的了解程度不够、基层筛查能力不足;机会:有政府重视、贫困地区的政策倾斜、信息平台的建设、各类社会医疗保险的覆盖、适龄妇女健康意识和健康需求增加;威胁:包括未建立有效的多部门合作机制、卫生服务可及性差、基层专业技术人员流动性大,人才队伍建设可持续发展不足、流动人口增加。结论 目前我国妇女常见病筛查工作内部优势与劣势同在,外部机遇与挑战并存。为促进筛查工作的开展,应加强规范化管理,多渠道筹集筛查资金,建立与社会资源合作机制、推动区域合作和优质医疗资源下沉,不断提高基层服务能力。


    Abstract: Objective To understand the current status of common gynecological disease screening among Chinese women,analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats in the process of the screening in order to propose targeted improvement measures.Methods Letter investigation and field survey combined with expert consultation were adopted in the study. SWOT analysis was used to systematically analyze the current status data.Results The strengths included the implementation of a number of free screening programs for women health,the continuously increasing coverage of these programs,the well-functioned three-level maternal and child health care service network,and the constant improvement of publicity and education.Weaknesses included the insufficiency of government funds at all levels,lack of clear sources for data collection l,lack of standardized management,lack of special programs for common gynecological disease screening,relevant medical workers lacking of adequate knowledge of screening,and insufficient capacity of primary medical institutions. Opportunities included the government's attention,the tilt of national and local policies in poor areas,the construction of national and local information platforms,the coverage of various social medical insurance,and the increase of health awareness and health needs of targeted women. Threats included the lack of effective multi-sector cooperation mechanism,the poor accessibility of health service,the large mobility of professional and technical personnel in relevant basic medical institutions and insufficient sustainable development of talent team,and the increase of floating population.Conclusion At present,there are both internal strengths and weaknesses,and external opportunities and threats in screening work of common gynecological disease in China. In order to promote the development of the screening work,it is necessary to strengthen standardized management,raising fund through multiple channels.,setting up collaboration mechanism with social sources,promote regional cooperation and the sinking of high-quality medical resources,and continuously improve the service capacity of the grass-roots level.


