

Research progress on early motor abnormalities of children with autism spectrum disorder

  • 摘要: 虽然运动障碍不包括在孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)的诊断标准中,但是已有研究证据表明神经运动发育水平的低下和ASD之间有密切关系,ASD儿童在生命早期即可出现大运动和/或精细动作的发育落后,ASD儿童还可出现姿势控制异常,表现为低张力、低活动和姿势不对称。由于ASD婴儿在姿势控制方面存在困难,其大运动发育和精细动作发育延迟。运动障碍还会导致ASD儿童对动作的预期和执行功能受损。


    Abstract: There is research evidence to suggest that there is a strong relationship between early motor abnormalities and autism spectrum disorders(ASD), although movement disorders are not included in ASD diagnostic criteria. Children with ASD may/or fine motor movements in early life. Early studies reported that hypotonia, hypoactivity and unusual postures were common findings in the ASD group. Gross motor and fine motor development are delayed in ASD infants due to the difficulty in postural control, and movement disorders can also lead to impaired on motor planning and execution in children with ASD.


