

Common problems analysis and countermeasures in the preparation of maternal and child health care institutions graded accreditation

  • 摘要: 新的妇幼保健机构等级评审立足于“以评促建、以评促改、评建并举、重在内涵”的基本方针,引入戴明环(Plan、Do、Check、Action,PDCA)等一系列科学管理工具,致力于持续而全面地完善医疗保健服务质量。本研究汇总了部分省市参照新标准开展的妇幼保健机构等级评审工作,分析了各妇幼保健机构在评审准备过程中存在的一些误区和盲点,针对常见的问题提出相应的对策,以期更好地帮助更多的妇幼保健机构做好等级评审准备工作。


    Abstract: The new round of hospital graded accreditation was based on basic principle, which is “to promote development through accreditation, to promote reform through accreditation, to promote development simultaneously, to focus on connotation”. The accreditation introduced a series of scientific management tools such as PDCA(Plan, Do, Check, and Action) cycle in order to continuously and comprehensively improve the quality of health care. The study summarizes maternal and child health care institution graded accreditation work was conducted in some provinces and cities based on the new standard, some blind spots and misunderstandings in preparation of the accreditation were analysed. Countermeasures are proposed focusing on common problems so as to help more maternal and child health care institutions to prepare for graded accreditation.


