

Practice and exploration of strengthened management of three-level maternal and child health service network in Songzi,Hubei

  • 摘要: 介绍湖北省松滋市妇幼保健院探索、创新妇幼健康三级服务网络的联动管理模式。通过强化对基层三级妇幼健康服务网络的管理,推动妇幼健康服务主动上门、进村入户、全面覆盖、常态化规范化运行。形成了保健与临床相结合,具有松滋市特色的妇幼健康服务网络,建立了妇幼保健双向转诊服务模式,向广大妇女儿童提供了系统、规范的妇幼健康服务。经研究发现基层妇幼健康服务中存在队伍能力不能满足实际工作需要、信息网络不完善、妇幼健康绩效杠杆效能不足、持续推行三级服务网络联动管理模式缺乏经费保障和人才支撑等问题。建议着力保障妇幼健康服务资源配备、加快妇幼健康服务的信息化建设、增强妇幼健康服务绩效杠杆作用、巩固三级服务网络管理成果、创新妇幼健康区域服务模式,以便更好地推动妇幼健康三级服务网络管理工作的开展与落实。


    Abstract: This paper introduces the exploration and innovation of the linkage management model of three-level maternal and child health(MCH) service network in Songzi MCH Hospital of Hubei Province. By consolidating three-level network and linkage to implement household services, aims to promote active village and household onsite services, comprehensive coverage, normalization and standardized operation of MCH services. MCH service network with unique Songzi characteristics combining health care and clinical development has been formed, and a two-way referral service model has been established to provide systematic and standardized MCH services for women and children. But problems still exist in terms of team capability shortage being unable to fulfill practical work needs, information network being inadequate, performance leverage being inefficient, lacking of financial support and human resources to ensure sustainable implementation of three-level MCH service network. It is suggested to focus on ensuring allocation of resources,accelerating information construction, strengthening performance leverage, consolidating the achievements of three-level service network management, and innovating the regional service model, in order to promote the development of management of three-level MCH service network.


