
四川省凉山州甘洛县0 ~ 6岁儿童保健服务利用及家长保健知识知晓情况

Health care service utilization among 0-6 year old children and their parents’ awareness of health care in Ganluo County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解四川省凉山州甘洛县0 ~ 6岁儿童保健服务利用情况,调查家长对儿童保健常见知识的知晓情况并进行原因分析。
    方法 选取凉山州甘洛县8名管理、保健和儿科业务人员进行专题访谈,采用随机抽样的方法选取甘洛县海棠镇坪坝乡作为调查地点,坪坝乡下辖12个村庄,每个村庄随机抽取10名儿童家长作为调查对象进行问卷调查,采用描述性统计方法、χ2检验对家长的儿童保健知识知晓情况和服务利用情况进行比较分析。
    结果 调查地区存在缺少儿童保健相关设备设施、儿童保健相关专业人员不足的情况。在预防接种方面,95%的家长带儿童按时接种了疫苗,但其中35%的家长完全不知道儿童预防接种前后的注意事项。家长对常见儿童保健知识的总体知晓率为65.15%。家庭孩子的数量、经济水平以及儿童家长文化程度等因素是影响家长对儿童保健态度以及参与程度的重要原因。
    结论 四川省凉山州甘洛县0 ~ 6岁儿童家长对儿童保健的利用率较低,家长的儿童保健素养还有待提高。应着力建设稳定的儿童保健医疗队伍,完善基层儿童保健设备设施,提高家长的儿童保健意识,更好地保障儿童健康。


    Objective To investigate the utilization of health care services among children aged 0-6 in Ganluo County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province, and to investigate parents’ awareness of child health care and analyze its causes.
    Methods Eight local management staff, health care and pediatric professionals were selected for interview. Random sampling method was used to select Pingba Township, Haitang Town, Ganluo County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province as research site. Twelve villages were under the jurisdiction of Pingba Township. Finally 10 children’s parents were randomly selected from each village for questionnaire survey. Parents’ knowledge of child health care and service utilization were descriptive analyzed.
    Results The survey areas lacked of child health care equipment, facilities and professionals. In terms of vaccination, 95% of parents had their children vaccinated on time, but 35% of them did not know the precautions before and after vaccination. The overall awareness rate of common child health care among parents was 65.15%. Factors such as the number of children in the family, economic status and educational level of parents were associated with parents’ attitudes and participation in child health care.
    Conclusion Parents’ utilization of child health care is low, and their child health care literacy needs to be improved at Ganluo County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province. It is necessary to build a stable medical team, improve the allocation of basic equipment for child health care at the grass-roots level, raise parents’ awareness of child health care so as to ensure children’s health.


