

Improving the quality of maternal and infant safety services to safeguard the health of women and children—Interpretation of 'Maternal and Infant Safety Promotion Action Plan(2021—2025)'

  • 摘要: 孕产妇死亡率和婴儿死亡率是国际上公认反映一个国家和地区国民健康水平和社会文明程度的综合指标。当前, 我国母婴健康领域存在一系列挑战, 如高龄孕妇增多, 孕产妇并发症和合并症的增加, 死胎/死产, 早产、出生缺陷等新生儿疾病, 孕产妇、胎儿及新生儿营养, 孕产妇心理健康等问题突出。因此, 需要与时俱进不断完善妇幼保健服务体系, 依法依规推进母婴安全服务, 落实预防为主的母婴安全措施, 全面提升危重孕产妇救治能力, 科学实施母婴安全效果评价。与此同时, 加强具有中国特色的妇幼健康服务网络建设, 优化服务流程, 提升服务质量。


    Abstract: Maternal and infant mortality are recognized as comprehensive indicators that reflect a nation's health status and social civilization worldwide. At present, we are facing a series of challenges in the field of maternal and infant health in China, such as the increase of elderly pregnant women, the increase of maternal complications, stillbirth, premature birth, birth defects and other neonatal diseases. Problems including nutrition of pregnant woman, fetus and new born, and psychological health of pregnant woman are prominent. Therefore, maternal and child health care system should be improved with the advance of time, maternal and infant safety measures should be carried out to focus on prevention, rescue capability of maternal near miss should be strengthened, effect evaluation of maternal and infant safety should be scientifically implemented. At the same time, maternal and child health service network in the Chinese context should be reinforced and the service process should be optimized so as to improve the quality of services.


