Research progress on evaluation measures of preschool children's dietary behavior and its relationship with nutritional status
摘要: 营养充足是学龄前儿童健康成长的基础, 营养不良会导致其生长迟滞, 进而影响学龄前儿童的身体和大脑发育, 使之无法发挥全部潜能。学龄前儿童营养摄入情况与饮食行为之间有较强关联, 看护人喂养方式对学龄前儿童饮食行为有较大影响。因此, 喂养方式是影响学龄前儿童生长发育的重要因素。本研究对国内外学龄前儿童饮食行为评价方法及营养状况与饮食行为关系的研究进展进行综述, 旨在为科学评价和改善学龄前儿童营养状况提供依据。Abstract: Adequate nutrition is the basis for healthy growth of preschool children. Malnutrition will lead to growth retardation, which will affect their physical and brain development and prevent them from performing their full potential. Nutritional intake is closely related to preschool children's dietary behaviors. And their dietary behaviors are mainly affected by the caregivers' feeding patterns. Therefore, the caregiver's feeding pattern is an important factor affecting growth and development of preschool children. This paper reviews the research progress on evaluation measures of preschool children's dietary behaviors and its relationship with nutritional status worldwide, in order to provide evidence for scientific evaluation and improvement of their nutritional status.