

Research progress on the prevalence and factors associated with refractive errors among preschool children

  • 摘要: 屈光不正包括远视、近视和散光, 是世界上许多国家和地区儿童青少年常见的视力问题, 严重影响了儿童青少年的健康和生活质量。学龄前期是预防儿童视力问题的关键时期。本研究通过对国内外学龄前儿童屈光不正的流行现状及影响因素进行系统文献回顾, 分析学龄前儿童屈光不正的影响因素, 为制定儿童屈光不正防治策略提供科学依据。


    Abstract: Refractive errors, including hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism, are common vision problems among children and adolescents in many countries and regions of the world, which seriously affect their health and quality of life. Preschool age is the key period to prevent vision problems among children. This study analyzes the factors associated with preschool children's ametropia and provides scientific evidence for the development of prevention and treatment strategies through a systematic literature review of the prevalence and factors associated with preschool children's ametropia in China and abroad.


