
监护人对1 ~ 2岁婴幼儿口腔行为认知的调查研究

A study on guardians' perceptions of oral behaviour of infants and toddlers aged 1 - 2 years

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解监护人对婴幼儿口腔健康行为、口腔保健知识认知水平情况。为开展婴幼儿口腔健康教育提供科学依据, 有效开展婴幼儿口腔保健, 降低婴幼儿患龋率。
    方法 采用分层整群抽样方法于2019年6 — 8月对北京市海淀区2 416名婴幼儿监护人进行问卷调查, 将婴幼儿按年龄进行比较分析, 内容包括母亲受教育程度、婴幼儿饮食喂养、口腔清洁习惯、就医情况及家长口腔行为认知5个方面。
    结果 北京市海淀区1 ~ 2岁婴幼儿喂养中存在不良喂养行为1 395人, 有夜奶行为1 512人。1岁组婴幼儿每日进食次数 > 7次1 018人, 2岁组婴幼儿每日进食次数 > 5次1 228人, 两组比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。1岁组婴幼儿每天刷牙占比为34.7%, 监护人帮助其刷牙占比为58.9%;2岁组婴幼儿每天刷牙占比为65.4%, 监护人帮助其刷牙占比为45.7%, 两组比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。1岁组婴幼儿口腔就医情况占比为7.1%, 2岁组为14.6%;1岁组婴幼儿定期检查及涂氟占比为4.7%, 2岁组为8.3%, 两组比较差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05)。关于口腔保健知识认知的9道题目中, 受高等教育(大专及以上)的母亲有7道题认知知晓率较非高等教育母亲高, 两者比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
    结论 目前, 被调查的1 ~ 2岁婴幼儿监护人口腔健康行为较差, 口腔保健知识认知程度较低, 应尽快提高监护人的口腔保健意识, 促使其改善口腔行为态度。


    Objective To investigate guardians' perception of healthy oral behavior and knowledge of oral health care among infants and toddlers in order to provide a scientific evidence for developing oral health education, carrying out oral health care program effectively and decreasing the rate of dental caries among infants and toddlers.
    Methods Stratified cluster sampling was used to recruited 2 416 guardians of infants and toddlers in Haidian District, Beijing from June to August 2019. A questionnaire survey was conducted. Mothers education level, infants' and toddlers' diet and feeding, oral hygiene habits, health care seeking and parents' cognition on oral behavior were compared based on infants' and toddlers' age.
    Results A total of 1 395 infants and toddlers aged 1 - 2 years in Haidian District, Beijing had harmful feeding behaviors, and 1 512 of them drank milk at night. 1 018 ate more than 7 times per day at the 1 year age group, while 1 228 people ate more than 5 times per day at 2 year age group, the difference between two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). 34.7% of infants and toddlers brushed their teeth every day at 1 year age gruop, and 58.9% of their guardians helped them to brush teeth; While these number at 2 year age group were 65.4% and 45.7%, the differences between two groups were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The percentage of seeking oral health care, regular check-up and fluoride coating at 1 year age group were 7.1% and 4.7% versus 14.6% and 8.3% at 2 year age group. The differences between two groups were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Out of the nine question, awareness of oral health care was better among mothers with higher education level(college and above) than that among mothers without higher education level in seven questions, the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05).
    Conclusion At present, guardians of infants and toddlers interviewed aged 1 - 2 have harmful oral health behaviors and poor awareness of oral health care. It is necessary to improve guardians' perception of oral health care, so as to promote their behavior and attitude change.


