
江苏省南京市1 724例孕前女性HPV疫苗接种现状及其影响因素分析

The status of and factors associated with HPV vaccination among 1 724 preconception women in Nanjing, Jiangsu

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解江苏省南京市孕前女性人乳头瘤病毒(human palillomavirus, HPV)疫苗的接种现状及影响因素。
    方法 选取2019年9月—2022年4月于南京市妇幼保健院孕前保健门诊就诊的1 724名女性作为研究对象, 针对HPV疫苗接种现状进行问卷调查, 采用单因素logistic回归和逐步回归的方法分析影响因素。
    结果 调查对象中HPV疫苗接种率为29.4%, 其中完成全部疫苗接种的女性占91.3%, 接种类别多为9价疫苗(59.3%)、接种地点多为我国国内(不含香港、澳门特别行政区以及台湾省)(84.4%), 完成接种时间多为 > 6个月(90.9%)。影响HPV疫苗接种的相关因素分析显示, 年龄更小、受教育水平及个人年收入更高、南京地区居住、体质指数更低、初次性生活的平均年龄更小、未曾怀孕、无烟草暴露者的HPV疫苗接种比例更高(均P < 0.05)。而饮酒、月经初潮年龄、月经不规律、痛经及妇科肿瘤相关家族史不是影响HPV疫苗接种的因素(均P > 0.05)。
    结论 江苏省南京市某地区孕前女性HPV疫苗接种率较低, 在后续HPV疫苗接种的推广过程中, 需要重点加强受教育水平较低、收入较低及已生育过的女性人群的健康教育引导和相关的政策扶植。


    Objective To investigate the current status of and factors associated with HPV vaccination among preconception women in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.
    Methods 1 724 women at preconception health care clinics of Nanjing Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital from September 2019 to April 2022 were recruited as subjects. A questionnaire survey was conducted focusing on the current status of HPV vaccination. Univariable logistic regression and stepwise regression were used to analyze the data.
    Results 29.4% of the participants received HPV vaccine, and most of them had completed the whole course of vaccination (91.3%) with 9-valent vaccine (59.3%) in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan Province) (84.4%) for more than 6 months (90.9%). Younger age, higher education level, higher personal annual income, living in Nanjing, lower BMI, younger age at first intercourse, no history of previous pregnancy, and no tobacco exposure were associated with higher HPV vaccination rate (P < 0.05). Alcohol usage, menarche age, irregular menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea, and the family history of gynecological cancers were not associated with HPV vaccination rate (all P > 0.05).
    Conclusion The HPV vaccination rate is relatively low among preconception women in a certain area of Nanjing. It is necessary to improve health education and policy support focusing on women with lower education level, lower annual income, and having bred children in future vaccination promotion.


