

Intervention study on improving the reading volume of popular science works on WeChat public account in maternal and child health care hospital

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析湖南省妇幼保健院(简称“湖南省妇幼”)在提高微信公众号科普作品阅读量的实践案例, 为其他医院提供借鉴。
    方法 将湖南省妇幼2021年1 — 6月微信订阅号及2021年9 — 12月微信服务号的180篇科普作品作为研究对象, 其中1 — 6月的88篇作品作为干预前组, 9 — 12月的92篇作品作为干预后组。对干预前组科普作品阅读量低的现状和存在的问题进行调查分析, 有针对性地制定和实施多种干预措施, 并评价干预措施的实施效果。
    结果 干预后组单篇科普文章平均阅读量提高了105.99%, 单篇科普文章阅读量破万篇数增加12篇, 前50篇作品的平均阅读量为11 059人次。
    结论 通过开展质量改进活动, 发现问题、分析原因、制定并实施有针对性的干预策略, 达到帮助实现提升微信公众号科普作品阅读量的目标。


    Objective To analyze the case of improving reading volume of popular science works on WeChat public account in Hunan provincial maternal and child health(MCH) hospital, so as to provide evidence for other hospitals.
    Methods 180 popular science works were used as study subjects. 88 works on WeChat subscription account from January to June 2021 were regarded as pre-intervention group, and 92 works from September to December 2021 were served as post-intervention group. The current situation and existing problems of low reading volume of popular science works in pre-intervention group were investigated and analyzed. Targeted intervention measures were developed and the implemented, and the effects of intervention were evaluated.
    Results After the intervention, the average reading volume of a single popular science article in the post-intervention group increased by 105.99%, the amount of reading of a single article exceeded 10 000 increased by 12, and the average reading volume of the top 50 articles was 11 059.
    Conclusion The goal of improving the reading volume of popular science works on WeChat public account can be achieved by implementing quality improvement activities, tracking problems, analyzing causes, formulating and implementing targeted intervention strategies.


