

Practice and exploration of HPV vaccine consultation outpatient service

  • 摘要:
    目的 为有效开展人乳头瘤病毒(human papilloma virus, HPV)疫苗咨询门诊服务提供参考。
    方法 以江苏省南京市妇幼保健院HPV疫苗咨询门诊中接受咨询服务的450例咨询对象为研究对象, 分析咨询对象的一般情况、咨询问题及给予的医学建议分布。
    结果 HPV疫苗咨询对象年龄主要为20 ~ 45岁, 占93.69%;有性经历者占97.56%;HPV感染及宫颈相关病变者占17.56%。咨询问题频次最高的是疫苗接种相关信息问题, 占78.89%, 其次是HPV感染状态下接种的相关问题, 占17.56%。给出的医学建议中建议接种占91.78%, 暂缓接种占6.89%, 不建议接种占1.33%。
    结论 开设HPV疫苗咨询门诊对于促进HPV疫苗合理接种十分必要, 应建立专业的疫苗接种咨询队伍, 并提供规范化的咨询服务, 加强疫苗接种的信息化建设, 进一步提升疫苗接种的服务质量, 了解本土人群的远期保护效应。


    Objective To provide evidence for effective development of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine consultation service.
    Methods A total of 450 clients at HPV vaccine consultation clinic were recruited as study subjects in Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Jiangsu Province. Their general information, question of consultation and medical advice received were analyzed.
    Results Their age ranged from 20 to 45 years old, accounting for 93.69%; 97.56% consultants had sexual experience and about 17.56% of them had HPV infection and cervical-related lesions. They mainly focused on information related to vaccination, accounting for 78.89%. The next was related to vaccination under HPV infection, accounting for 17.56%.Of which, 91.78% consultants were suggested to receive HPV vaccine, 6.89% were postponed, and 1.33% were not appropriate for vaccination.
    Conclusion It is necessary to set up an HPV vaccine consultation clinic to promote rational vaccination. Meanwhile, professional consulting team should be established, standardized consultation service should be provided, and information system should be strengthened to improve vaccination service quality and explore the long-term protective effect on local population.


