

Progresses of the effects of feeding patterns on growth velocity of infants

  • 摘要: 生长速率是评价儿童某一生长阶段的体格生长状况最直观、具体、精确的研究指标之一。早期喂养方式对婴幼儿体格生长的影响受到众多领域研究学者的广泛关注。本文通过整理近年发表的关于喂养方式对婴幼儿生长速率影响的文献,了解国内外喂养方式对婴幼儿生长速率影响的研究现状、可能的机制和原因,以及存在的问题,以期为今后开展相关研究提供借鉴和参考。


    Abstract: Growth velocity is one of the most intuitive, concrete and accurate indicators to evaluate physical growth of children at a specific period. The influence of early feeding patterns on infants’ physical growth has aroused extensive attention from researchers in many fields. We analyzed the current status of the effects of feeding patterns on growth velocity of infants, possible mechanisms and causes, and existing problems based on reviewing literatures published in recent years, in order to provide evidence for related-research in the future.


