
关注青春期发育 加强青少年性与生殖健康教育

Focusing on puberty development and strengthening adolescent sexual and reproductive health education

  • 摘要: 中国青少年青春期发育总体呈现长期提前趋势。随着青春期发育的不断提前和性观念的逐渐开放,首次性行为出现低龄化趋势,青少年正在面临非意愿妊娠、性传播感染、人类免疫缺陷病毒感染等多重健康威胁,性教育、性与生殖健康服务供需缺口巨大。本文全面梳理了青少年青春期发育面临的严峻形势和性与生殖健康服务体系面临的挑战,认为向青少年提供更早、更全面的性与生殖健康教育和相关卫生服务的意义日益凸显,亟需建立多部门合作的、新技术手段加持和多方资源助力的青少年性与生殖健康服务体系,共同关注青春期发育,加强青少年性与生殖健康教育。


    Abstract: The overall advanced trend in pubertal development among Chinese adolescents of both sexes exists. As pubertal development continues to advance and sexual attitudes are gradually opening up, there is a trend towards a younger age of first sexual intercourse, and thus, adolescents are facing multiple health threats such as unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and human immunodificiency virus (HIV) infections with a huge gap between the supply and demand for sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health services. The present study comprehensively reviewed the critical situation regarding to pubertal development and the challenges of the sexual and reproductive health service system targeting to adolescents, and proposes that it is important to provide adolescents with earlier and more comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education and related health services, and there is an urgent need to establish a sexual and reproductive health service system towards adolescents that is multi-sector cooperative, supported by new technological means, and assisted by multiple resources.


