
云南省某市10 ~ 19岁学生家长的青春期性健康知识与性教育需求分析

Analysis of adolescent sexual health awareness and sexual education needs among parents of 10 − 19 year old students in a city of Yunnan Province

  • 摘要:
    目的 通过了解家长的青春期性健康知识知晓情况和教育需求,探索学校青春期性健康教育在家校联合方面的有效措施。
    方法 采取分层随机整群抽样的方法,选取云南省某市小学、初中、高中共35所学校的7 389名10 ~ 19岁学生的家长进行横断面研究,采用自制问卷对其进行调查。问卷包括一般人口学、家庭信息、青春期性健康知识和学校青春期性健康教育需求等内容。其中,青春期性健康知识包括6个方面的内容,满分10分,分值越高代表家长青春期性健康知识掌握得越好。
    结果 7 389名家长的青春期性健康知识总体知晓率为55.43%,总平均分为(4.59 ± 0.03)分。母亲的青春期性健康知识得分高于父亲(F = 43.15,P < 0.01)。不同职业的家长青春期性健康知识得分差异有统计学意义(F = 293.74,P < 0.01),其中职业为务农的家长平均分最低,为(3.88 ± 4.05)分。不同文化程度、婚姻状况、收入水平的家长青春期性健康知识得分差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.01)。调查显示“缺乏性健康知识”是造成开展家庭性健康教育困难的主要原因(40.75%)。家长们最希望的学校性教育模式为主题班会(43.88%)。
    结论 家长青春期性健康知识总体知晓率有待提升,在对家长进行性健康知识普及时应加强对父亲性健康知识掌握水平的提升,构建父母都参与的“双性化”家庭教育模式。应进一步重视农村地区的学校性健康教育,大力加强农村性健康教育师资的培养,促进具有针对性的性健康教学资源的开发和利用。


    Objective To explore the effective measures of school adolescent sexual health education in the aspect of home-school cooperation through understanding the parents’ adolescent sexual health awareness and sexual health education needs.
    Methods Stratified random cluster sampling was used to recruit 7 389 parents of students aged 10 − 19 as study subjects from 35 primary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools in a city of Yunnan Province. A cross-sectional survey was conducted through a self-made questionnaire. The questionnaire includes general demographic, family information, adolescent sexual health awareness and the needs of adolescent sexual health education in schools. Among them, the awareness of adolescent sexual health includes 6 aspects, with a full score of 10. The higher the score, the better the parents’ awareness of adolescent sexual health.
    Results The overall awareness rate of adolescent sexual health among 7 389 parents was 55.43%, with an average score of (4.59 ± 0.03). The scores of mothers were higher than those of fathers (F = 43.15, P < 0.01). There were significant differences in the scores of adolescent sexual health awareness among parents of different occupations (F = 293.74, P < 0.01), among which the average score of parents who were farmers was the lowest (3.88 ± 4.05). Parents with different education background, marital status and income level had significant differences in adolescent sexual health awareness scores (all P < 0.01). The survey showed that “lack of sexual health awareness” was the main reason (40.75%) to carry out family sexual health education difficultly. The most desirable school sexuality education model for parents was theme class meeting (43.88%).
    Conclusion The overall awareness of parents’ adolescent sexual health needs to be improved. When sexual health knowledge are disseminated to parents, the father should be strengthened to increase overall awareness so as to build a “bisexual” family education model with both parents’ participation. School sexual health education in rural areas should be paid more attentions. Training of trainers of rural school teachers should be improved, and development and utilization of targeted sexual health teaching resources should be promoted.


