

Investigation of congenital abnormal number of deciduous teeth among 3-year-old children in Haimen District, Nantong,Jiangsu Province

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解江苏省南通市海门区3岁儿童先天性乳牙数目异常情况,为开展学龄前儿童口腔保健提供基础性数据。
    方法 以2020年8月 — 2021年12月在江苏省南通市海门区妇幼保健计划生育服务中心进行新入幼入托健康体检满3周岁、不满4周岁的5 768名儿童为研究对象,由口腔执业医师对其口腔进行专业检查,记录乳牙缺失多生数目、类型、位置、畸形等情况,并进行现状分析。
    结果 5 768名儿童中有125名儿童患有乳牙先天性数目异常,发生率为2.17%;先天性缺牙122人,发生率为2.12%(122/5 768)。其中多数牙缺失1人,共缺失14颗;个别牙缺失121人,缺牙数均为1 ~ 2颗。上牙列缺失12人,占9.84%;下牙列缺失110人,占90.16%。在122名先天性缺牙儿童中共有182颗乳牙先天缺少,其中左侧牙位缺失80颗,占43.96%,右侧牙位缺失102颗,占56.04%;182颗中乳侧切牙缺失135颗,占74.18%。多生牙3人,发生率为0.052%,其中2例为唇腭裂患者。
    结论 南通市海门区3岁儿童乳牙缺失以个别牙缺失为主,多缺失1 ~ 2颗,主要是下颌乳侧切牙缺失,下颌乳牙缺失明显多于上颌;多生牙主要是由唇腭裂引起。


    Objective To investigate congenital abnormal number of deciduous teeth among 3-year-old children in Haimen District, Nantong, Jiangsu Province, so as to provide basic data for preschool children’s oral health care.
    Methods A total of 5 768 newly admitted to kindergarten children aged 3 − 4 years old who received health check at Nantong Haimen District Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Service Center were recruited as study subjects from Aug, 2020 to Dec, 2021. Professional examinations were conducted by dental practitioners, and the number, types, positions, and deformities of missing primary teeth were recorded for situation analysis.
    Results  Among 5 768 children, 125 had congenital abnormal number of deciduous teeth, with an incidence rate of 2.17%. There were 122 cases of congenital tooth loss, with an incidence rate of 2.12% (122/5 768). Among those, one person was oligodontia with 14 missing teeth, and 121 person were hypodontia with 1 − 2 missing teeth; 12 cases were missing upper dentition, accounting for 9.84%, and 110 cases were missing lower dentition, accounting for 90.16%. Among 122 children with missing teeth, there were 182 congenital primary teeth missing, including 80 missing left teeth (43.96%) and 102 missing right teeth (56.04%); Among 182 primary teeth missing, 135 were primary incisors missing, accounting for 74.18%. There were 3 supernumerary teeth, with an incidence rate of 0.052%, among which, 2 were patients with cleft lip and palate.
    Conclusion  The main missing primary teeth in Haimen, Nantong region is hypodontia with 1 − 2 missing teeth. Mandibular primary incisors were dominating, and the missing primary teeth in the lower jaw are significantly more than those in the upper jaw. Supernumerary teeth are mainly caused by cleft lip and palate.


