

Research of mothers’ dietary avoidance on breast milk composition and infants’ physical growth

  • 摘要:
    目的  通过调查与分析乳母膳食回避与母乳成分、婴儿体格生长的相关关系,以探讨促进婴儿健康生长的理论依据。
    方法  按照方便抽样的原则选取2022年6 — 12月在福建省厦门市妇幼保健院儿童保健门诊体检的224对母婴为研究对象。按照婴儿月龄分为1、3、6、8月龄组4组。收集224例母乳喂养的健康乳母的乳汁及乳母饮食习惯等基本信息,检测母乳的蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、干物质含量以及能量等宏量营养素水平,对婴儿体格生长进行测量与评估,并分析乳母膳食、乳汁成分与婴儿生长之间的关系。
    结果  乳母总体膳食回避率为19.64%(44/224),纯母乳喂养乳母膳食回避率为17.01%(33/194)。在44例有膳食回避的哺乳母亲中,19例只回避1种食物,其余25例则回避至少2种食物。回避较多的食物是甲壳和贝类(15.18%)、坚果类(7.59%)、豆类(7.14%)和牛奶(5.80%)。对194例采取纯母乳喂养的乳母进行母乳成分特点分析,从1月龄组到8月龄组,母乳中的脂肪含量逐渐增加(F = 2.412,P = 0.068),但总蛋白和真蛋白含量逐渐下降(F = 2.652,2.652;均P < 0.001)。与不限制饮食相比,回避坚果和豆类摄入会降低母乳中的脂肪、干物质和总能量含量;回避食用鱼类会显著降低母乳中的总蛋白和真蛋白含量,差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05)。剔除患有影响婴儿体格生长发育疾病的样本,对120对健康母婴进行母乳成分与婴儿生长相关指数的分析,显示婴儿出生至2个月内,母乳中总蛋白和真蛋白占干物质的比率均与身长别体重的增长量呈正相关关系(r = 0.33,P = 0.036;r = 0.33,P = 0.037),而脂肪则与身长别体重的增长量呈负相关关系(r = − 0.34,P = 0.029)。
    结论 随着月龄的增加,母乳成分中的蛋白质含量逐渐减少。乳母膳食回避可影响乳汁成分,如果非必要不建议进行膳食回避。充分的蛋白质摄入可以促进婴儿的体格生长发育。


    Objective  To investigate the association between dietary avoidance of lactating mothers, breast milk composition and physical growth of infants, so as to provide theoretical evidence for promoting healthy development of infants.
    Methods Convenient sampling was used to recruit 224 mothers and their babies, who received health check at the outpatient clinic of Xiamen Maternity and Child Health Hospital in Fujian Province from June to December 2022. They were divided into 4 groups: one month, 3 months, 6 months, and 8 moths group. Basic information such as milk and dietary habits were collected, the macronutrient content of breast milk, such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, dry matter, and energy were analyzed, and infant physical growth was measured and evaluated. The association was studied between breastfeeding mother’s diet, milk composition and infants growth.
    Results  Avoidance was observed in 19.64% (44/224) of the lactating mothers, and the avoidance rate was 17.01% (33/194) in the exclusively breastfeeding mothers. Among 44 breastfeeding mothers with dietary avoidance, 19 only avoided one kind food, while the other 25 avoided at least two kinds of food. The food that were more avoided were shellfish (15.18%), nuts (7.59%), beans (7.14%), and milk (5.80%). Analysis of the characteristics of breast milk composition was conducted among 194 exclusively breastfeeding mothers. From the 1-month-old group to the 8-month-old group, fat content in breast milk showed an upward trend (F = 2.412, P = 0.068), while the content of total protein and true protein showed a downward trend (F = 2.652, 2.652; all P < 0.001). Compared with none restriction of food, restricted intake of nuts and beans would decrease the content of fat, dry matter and total energy, while restricted intake of fish would decrease the content of total proteins and true proteins in breast milk of lactating mothers (all P < 0.05). From birth to 2 months, the percentage of total protein and true protein over dry mater were positively correlated with the amount of increase of weight for height (WFH) when 120 healthy mothers’(excluding the sample with disease affecting infant physical growth) breast milk composition and infants’ growth index were analyzed (r = 0.33, P = 0.036; r = 0.33, P = 0.037) . On the contrary, fat over dry mater was negatively correlated with the amount of increase of WFH (r = − 0.34, P = 0.029).
    Conclusion  The protein content in breast milk gradually decreases with age increases. Dietary avoidance of lactating mothers can affect milk composition, and it is not recommended if not necessarily. Adequate protein intake can promote physical growth and development of infants.


