

Factors associated with knowledge, attitudes and bahaviors of eye care service among parents of preschool children in Binhu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province

  • 摘要:
    目的  调查江苏省无锡市滨湖区幼儿园家长对儿童眼保健的知信行现状,并分析其影响因素,为针对性地开展儿童眼保健工作提供依据。
    方法  采用方便抽样法,于2022年5 — 6月抽取无锡市滨湖区7所幼儿园3 ~ 6岁儿童家长1 185名,使用自行设计的问卷评估家长和儿童的基本情况,以及家长对儿童眼保健的知识、信念及行为水平,应用单因素分析和多元线性回归分析其影响因素。
    结果  1 185名儿童家长眼保健知信行问卷总得分为(103.57 ± 6.12)分,其中得分等级“良”占67.59%、“中”占32.33%、“差”占0.08%。知识、信念、行为3个维度得分分别为(16.48 ± 1.45)、(43.80 ± 2.38)、(43.28 ± 4.73)分,等级评为“良”的分别占56.03%、94.68%、24.05%。多元线性回归分析显示,家长职业和文化程度,以及儿童有无眼病是家长眼保健知信行总得分的影响因素(均P < 0.05)。
    结论  无锡市滨湖区幼儿园儿童家长眼保健知信行总体水平较好,但眼保健行为实践方面有待进一步提升。今后应针对不同职业、文化程度的群体制定适宜的眼保健措施,以更好地促进儿童眼健康。


    Objective To investigate the current status and factors associated with knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of eye care service among parents of preschool children in Binhu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, so as to provide evidence for eye care service.
    Methods Convenient sampling method was used to recruit 1 185 parents of children aged 3 to 6 years old from 7 kindergartens in Binhu District as study subjects from May to June 2022. Self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate general information of parents and children, and their knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of children’s eye care. Univariate analysis and multiple linear regression were used to analyze factors associated with it.
    Results The average score of the questionnaire on eye care among 1 185 parents was (103.57 ± 6.12), of which 67.59% was “good”, 32.33% was “medium” and 0.08% was “poor”. The scores of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors were (16.48 ± 1.45), (43.80 ± 2.38) and (43.28 ± 4.73), and the scores rated as “good” accounted for 56.03%, 94.68% and 24.05%, respectively. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that occupation, educational level of parents, and whether children with eye disease were factors associated with the score of parents on eye care (all P < 0.05).
    Conclusion Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of eye care among parents of preschool children in Binhu District, Wuxi are generally good, but their practice of eye health needs to be improved. Appropriate measures should be formulated focusing on groups with different occupations and education levels to promote eye health of preschool children in the future.


