

Situation analysis of maternal health literacy in Henan Province

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解河南省孕产妇健康素养现状,分析当前孕产妇健康素养存在的问题,为促进健康教育、进行健康干预和提高妇女健康水平提供参考依据。
    方法 采用分层抽样方法,应用《全国居民健康素养监测调查问卷》,抽取河南省妇女人群健康素养提升项目单位的孕产妇为研究对象,对其开展健康素养水平调查。
    结果 河南省孕产妇总体健康素养水平为43.3%,其中基本健康知识和理念、健康生活方式与行为、健康技能3个方面的健康素养水平分别为51.7%、45.2%、35.7%。6类健康问题素养水平分别为基本医疗素养22.5%、健康信息素养34.3%、传染病防治素养40.2%、慢性病防治素养41.6%、科学健康观素养58.0%、安全与急救素养65.9%。年龄、文化程度、职业在总体健康素养、健康素养的3个方面和6类健康问题素养水平间的比较差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05);不同婚姻状况在基本知识和理念方面、科学健康观和慢性病防治2类健康问题素养水平的比较差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05)。
    结论 河南省孕产妇健康素养水平较高,但不同社会人口学特征和不同维度的孕产妇健康素养水平不均衡,应在政府主导、多部门合作和全社会参与下,重点提高文化程度较低孕产妇的健康素养水平,进一步加强健康技能指导和基本医疗宣教,引导孕产妇及妇女群体养成健康的生活方式和行为,助力健康中国建设。


    Objective To investigate the status of maternal health literacy in Henan Province and analyze the existing problems, so as to provide evidence for promoting health education, health intervention and improve women’s health.
    Methods Stratified sampling method was used to recruit pregnant women as study subjects in Henan provincial health literacy improvement project units. National Residents’ Health Literacy Monitoring Questionnaire was used to investigate their status of health literacy.
    Results The overall maternal health literacy in Henan Province was 43.3%, among which the basic knowledge and concept, healthy lifestyle and behavior, and health skills were 51.7%, 45.2% and 35.7%, respectively. The six types of health literacy were basic medical literacy 22.5%, health information literacy 34.3%, infectious disease prevention and control literacy 40.2%, chronic disease prevention and control literacy 41.6%, scientific health concept literacy 58.0%, and safety and first aid literacy 65.9%. There were statistically significant differences when comparing age, education level, and occupation in health literacy in terms of general health, three aspects and six kinds of health problems (all P < 0.05). Various marital status showed different level of health literacy in terms of basic knowledge and concept, scientific health concept, and chronic disease prevention (all P < 0.05).
    Conclusion The level of maternal health literacy in Henan Province is relatively high, but it is unbalanced in different social demographic characteristics and various dimensions. Under the leadership of the government, multi-sectoral cooperation and the participation of whole society, attention should be paid on improving the level of health literacy of pregnant women with low education background, strengthening health skill guidance and basic medical care advocacy, guiding pregnant women and female groups to develop healthy behaviors and lifestyles, so as to promote the construction of a healthy China.


