

Review of video coding methods for infant behavioral observation and analysis

  • 摘要: 行为是婴儿表达自身需求、情感等最直接的方式,也是心理发展的外在表现。通过对婴儿进行行为观察,可以更详细、真实地获得婴儿行为和发展的资料;基于视频编码的行为观察分析方法,为全面、客观地进行研究分析创造了条件。本文从视频采集、编码方法、编码工具3个方面介绍了婴儿行为分析中采用的视频编码方法及研究应用,以期为开展婴儿行为观察研究提供支持。


    Abstract: Behavior is the most direct way for infants to express their needs and emotions, and it is also an external manifestation of psychological development. Observing the behavior of infants allows for the acquisition of more detailed and authentic information regarding their behavior and development. Behavioral observation and analysis based on video coding has established conditions for comprehensive and objective research and analysis. This paper introduces the video coding methods and their research applications in infant behavior analysis from three aspects: video acquisition, coding methods, and coding tools, with the aim of providing an effective approach for the study of infant behavioral observation.


