
2013 — 2022年广东省深圳市龙华区出生缺陷监测结果分析

Analysis of birth defects surveillance results in Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, from 2013 to 2022

  • 摘要:
    目的 探究广东省深圳市龙华区出生缺陷发生变化趋势及流行特征,为当地出生缺陷防控提供数据支持。
    方法 利用2013 — 2022年深圳市龙华区出生缺陷监测系统数据,对出生缺陷发生情况及变化趋势进行统计学分析,采用χ2检验进行组间率比较,χ2趋势检验进行趋势性分析。
    结果 2013 — 2022年共监测207 175例新生儿,发生出生缺陷4 688例,发生率为226.28/万,出生缺陷发生率整体呈上升趋势( \chi _趋势^2 = 81.077,P < 0.001)。男性出生缺陷发生率高于女性(χ2 = 62.937,P < 0.001),≥ 35岁母亲子代出生缺陷发生率高于其他年龄组(χ2 = 9.436,P < 0.01),常住孕产妇所生新生儿出生缺陷发生率高于流动孕产妇组(χ2 = 22.203,P < 0.001)。先天性心脏病、多指(趾)、耳畸形、足内(外)翻、唇(腭)裂是龙华区主要的出生缺陷类型。
    结论 2013 — 2022年广东省深圳市龙华区出生缺陷率虽低于全国水平,但出生缺陷的防控工作仍不容忽视,出生缺陷存在性别、年龄、户籍类型的差异,应加强重点人群的宣教及防治。


    Objective  To investigate the incidence trends and epidemiological characteristics of birth defects in Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, providing data support for local birth defect prevention and control.
    Methods  Based on data from the birth defects surveillance system in Longhua District of Shenzhen between from 2013 to 2022, the incidence and trends of birth defects were analyzed. Chi-square test was used for intergroup rate comparison, and Chi-square trend test was used for trend analysis.
    Results  From 2013 to 2022, 4 688 cases of birth defects were detected among 207 175 births, with an incidence rate of 226.28 per 10,000. The incidence rate of birth defects showed an overall increased trend over the past decade (\chi _\mathrmtrend^2 = 81.077, P < 0.001). The incidence of birth defects in males was higher than that in females (χ2 = 62.937, P < 0.001). The incidence of birth defects in women aged 35 years old and above was higher than that in other age groups (χ2 = 9.436, P < 0.01). The incidence rate was also higher in newborns born to permanent residents compared to those born to floating population (χ2 = 22.203, P < 0.001). Congenital heart disease, polydactyly, ear deformity, club foot, and cleft lip and/or palate were the main types of birth defects in Longhua District.
    Conclusions  Although the incidence rate of birth defects in Longhua District of Shenzhen, Guangdong was lower than the national level, the prevention and control of birth defects should not be ignored. There are differences in birth defects by gender, maternal age and household registration type. Efforts should be strengthened in education, prevention, and treatment among key populations.


