

A video observation study to explore the current situation of caregivers’ pressure-to-eat feeding practices on infants and toddlers

  • 摘要:
    目的 描述6 ~ 24月龄婴幼儿照养人强迫进食喂养行为及拒绝仍喂、设法多喂和吃饱仍喂3个子行为现状,探索强迫进食喂养与研究对象一般特征之间的关联,以便全面了解和评估强迫进食行为,为促进科学喂养提供指导依据。
    方法 以20对健康婴幼儿及其照养人为研究对象,使用摄像机拍摄婴幼儿一日主餐的喂养和进食过程,对视频中照养人的强迫进食行为及子行为进行提取及分类编码。通过问卷收集研究对象的一般特征信息。对照养人强迫进食行为的分布进行描述,并采用Fisher检验、t检验、Wilcoxon秩和检验探索强迫进食行为在不同特征研究对象间分布的差异性。
    结果 照养人中有18名(90.00%)采用了强迫进食行为。每餐强迫进食行为次数中位数为2.50次,每餐强迫进食总时长中位数为31.17 s,单次强迫进食时长中位数为13.50 s。照养人在早餐采用强迫进食的概率最高、次数最多。三种子行为的出现概率和次数由高到低排序为:拒绝仍喂 > 设法多喂 > 吃饱仍喂。是否出现强迫进食与照养人的年龄(P = 0.01)、体质指数(P = 0.03)、婴幼儿所属产次( P = 0.02)相关;强迫进食次数与母亲学历相关(P = 0.03);设法多喂与父亲年龄相关(P = 0.03);是否吃饱仍喂(P < 0.05)及吃饱仍喂次数(P = 0.03)与婴幼儿年龄相关。
    结论 强迫进食是一种常见的不合理的喂养行为,且与照养人、父母及婴幼儿的一般特征相关。应加强照养人科学喂养知识的教育,促进其采用良好喂养行为。


    Objective To describe caregivers’ pressure-to-eat feeding practices and its three sub-categorical behaviors, which are continue feeding at refusals, trying to feed more, and full but still feeding, on infants and toddlers aged 6 to 24 months, and to analyze the differences in practices across different general characteristics of caregivers, infants and toddlers. This study would provide comprehensive understanding and evaluation of pressure-to-eat feeding practices, and serve as a reference in the promotion of optimal feeding practice.
    Methods A total of 20 pairs of healthy infant-caregivers participated in this study. Videos were recorded during children’s main meals within a normal day by camera. Pressure-to-eat feeding practice and its three sub-categorical behaviors were extracted, coded, and categorized. General characteristics of caregivers, infants and toddlers were collected through questionnaire. The distribution of pressure-to-eat feeding practice and its three sub-categorical behaviors was described. Fisher’s test, independent sample t test, and Wilcoxon rank sum test were used to examine the differences of pressure-to-eat feeding and its three sub-categorical behaviors across different general characteristics of caregivers, infants and toddlers.
    Results Eighteen participants (90.00%) had used pressure-to-eat feeding practices. The median times of the caregivers used pressure-to-eat feeding practices was 2.50 per meal. The median total duration of pressure-to-eat feeding was 31.17 seconds per meal. The median average duration of pressure-to-eat feeding was 13.50 seconds. Caregivers were most likely to use pressure-to-eat feeding during breakfast, with the highest frequency. The occurrence probability and frequency of the three sub-categorical behaviors, from high to low, are as follows: continue feeding at refusals, trying to feed more, and full but still feeding. The presence of pressure to eat was associated with caregivers’ age (P = 0.01), BMI (P = 0.03), and child’s order (P = 0.02). The number of pressure-to-eat was related to mother’s education (P = 0.03). Trying to feed more was related to father’s age (P = 0.03). Whether to continue feeding at refusals (P < 0.05) and the number of its times (P = 0.03) were related to children’s age.
    Conclusion The pressure-to-eat feeding practice appear to be a common but inappropriate feeding practice, which is associated with general characteristics of caregivers, infants and toddlers. It is necessary to enhance caregiver’s knowledge of optimal feeding practices in order to promote their appropriate feeding behaviors.


