

Current status of dietary management in infant and toddler service institutions in Anhui

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解安徽省婴幼儿托育服务机构膳食管理现状,为加强对托育服务机构膳食安全、膳食营养工作监管及制定相关政策提供参考。
    方法 采用多阶段分层抽样方法,在安徽省6个市12个县/区抽取359所托育服务机构进行现况调查。
    结果 359所托育服务机构中,94.4%的机构食堂自营管理,5.6%的机构采用外包食堂或集团食堂统一配送等管理模式。非营利性机构取得食品经营许可证、建立膳食委员会和膳食账目公示的比例均高于营利性机构,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。托幼一体/设托班的幼儿园取得食品经营许可证、索证索票、建立膳食委员会和膳食账目公示的比例均高于托育机构,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。77.44 %的机构每周更新食谱,55.71%的机构制订带量食谱,38.72%的机构定期开展膳食调查与营养评估。农村托育机构更新食谱、师生伙食分开、开展膳食调查与营养评估的比例均低于城市机构,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。有专职保健人员的机构制订带量食谱、开展膳食调查与营养评估的比例均高于无专职保健人员机构,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。保健人员具有医学学历的机构儿童膳食营养管理各项指标均高于无医学学历的机构,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
    结论 不同性质、不同地区间托育机构膳食管理存在差异。应建立托育机构膳食管理质量评估及监管机制,强化托育机构膳食营养的培训和监管,重点加大对营利性、农村托育机构的扶持和培训。


    Objective To understand the current status of dietary management in infant and toddler childcare service institutions in Anhui Province, providing a reference for strengthening the supervision of dietary safety and nutrition in childcare service institutions and formulating relevant policies.
    Methods  A multi-stage stratified sampling method was employed to conduct a current survey in 359 childcare service institutions across 12 counties/districts in 6 cities in Anhui Province.
    Results Among the 359 childcare service institutions, 94.4% managed their own canteens, while 5.6% outsourced canteen services or used unified distribution from group canteens. Non-profit institutions had higher proportions of obtaining food business licenses, establishing dietary committees, and displaying meal accounts than for-profit institutions (P < 0.05). Kindergartens with integrated nursery and nursery class had higher proportions of obtaining food management licenses, implementing certificate and ticket systems, establishing dietary committee, and displaying meal accounts than standalone nursery institutions (P < 0.05). Among the 359 institutions, 77.44% updated their recipes weekly, 55.71% used quantified recipes, and 38.72% conducted regular dietary surveys and nutrition assessments. The proportion of updating recipes, separating meals for staff and children, and conducting dietary surveys and nutrition assessments in rural institutions were lower compared to urban institutions (P < 0.05). Institutions with full-time health workers had higher proportions of formulating quantitative recipes and conducting dietary surveys and nutritional assessments than those without, (P < 0.05). Institutions where health personnel had medical degrees showed higher indicators in all aspects of children’s dietary nutrition management than those without medical degrees (P < 0.05).
    Conclusion There are differences in dietary management among childcare institutions of different natures and different regions. It is necessary to establish a quality assessment and supervision mechanism for dietary management in childcare institutions, strengthen training and supervision of dietary nutrition in childcare institutions, and focus on increasing support and training for for-profit and rural childcare institutions.


