

Analysis of the relationship between the IgG antibody titers of type O blood pregnant women and hemolytic disease of the newborn

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨O型血孕妇体内免疫性IgG抗体效价与ABO新生儿溶血病发生的关系。方法 产前孕妇与丈夫血液标本按照常规血型鉴定ABO及Rh D血型,ABO血型不合者检测IgG抗-A/抗-B抗体效价,采用微柱凝胶法检测抗体效价,并对产后新生儿进行新生儿溶血病检测。结果 513例孕妇中抗体效价为 ≤ 1:32的共271例,占52.8%;1:64的58例26.3%;1:128的共66例占12.9%; ≥ 1:256的共41例占8.0%。IgG抗A/B效价随孕妇妊娠次数、年龄的增长而显著增高(P<0.05);513例孕妇中52例发生新生儿溶血病(HDN),发病率为10.1%。孕妇IgG抗A/B效价与ABO新生儿溶血病发病率呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论 孕妇血清中IgG抗A (B)效价与HDN发病密切相关,产前进行ABO抗体效价检测对减少由母婴血型不合引起的溶血病发生具有重要意义。


    Abstract: Objective To investigate the relationship between the IgG antibody titers of type O blood pregnant women and the incidence of ABO hemolytic disease of newborns (HDN).Methods The blood samples of pregnant women and their husband were tested as a matter of routine to identify the ABO and Rh D blood type.The parents with ABO blood group incompatibility would be tested the IgG anti-A/anti-B antibody titer by micro column gel coombs test.The hemolytic diseases of their newborn were also detected.Results Among 513 pregnant women, 271 pregnant women's antibody titer was less than 1:32, accounting for 52.8%.Fifty-eight cases' antibody titer was 1:64, accounting for 26.3%.Sixty-six cases' antibody titer was 1:128, accounting for 12.9%.Fourty-one cases' antibody titer was more than 1:256, accounting for 8.0%.The IgG anti A/B titer was significantly increased with the increase of number of pregnancies and age of pregnant women (P<0.05).Among 513 cases, 52 cases suffered from HDN.The incidence HDN was 10.1%.There was positive correlation between IgG anti A/B titer and ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn (P<0.05).Conclusion The anti A (B) titer in serum of pregnant women is closely related to the pathogenesis of HDN.To detect the ABO antibody titer of pregnant women is helpful to timely diagnose the HDN.Moreover, it is significant to reduce the incidence of hemolytic disease caused by maternal and neonatal blood group incompatibility.


