

Prevalence of 21 types of birth defects of surveillance hospitals from 2012 to 2016 in Guangdong Province

  • 摘要: 目的 分析广东省常见21种出生缺陷发生率及趋势,为出生缺陷防控工作提供基础参考数据。方法 利用2012-2016年广东省58家医院出生缺陷监测数据,选择21种常见且围产期易于明确诊断的出生缺陷病种,计算各病种全省平均发生率,估算各病种全省患儿数。结果 所选21个出生缺陷病种5年累计平均发生率为104.52/万(13 257/1 268 424),出生缺陷患儿中活产占68.01%(9016/13 257)。2012-2016年,估算全省21种出生缺陷的累计患儿数96 758例95% CI (96 447,96 758),年总发生率(/万)分别为106.56、98.70、105.50、105.83和105.76,呈现平稳趋势(χ2=0.795,P=0.373)。单病种发生率差异巨大,其中腭裂、尿道下裂、并指(趾)、多指(趾)和马蹄内翻足的发生率呈上升趋势,无脑畸形、脊柱裂、脑膨出、先天性脑积水、唇裂、唇腭裂、四肢短缩、脐膨出和腹裂的发生率呈上升趋势。结论 广东省出生缺陷疾病负担重,干预措施初见成效。


    Abstract: Objective To analysis the prevalence and tendency of 21 frequently types of birth defects in Guangdong province, and provide basic evidence for prevention of birth defects.Methods The data of 58 birth defects surveillance hospitals in Guangdong was used. 21 types of birth defects which easy to be confirmed diagnose during perinatal period were selected. The mean prevalence was calculated and the total number of each selected birth defect of overall province was estimated..Results The five years mean cumulative prevalence of selected 21 birth defects was 104. 52 per 10 000 births (13 257/1 268 424), and 68. 01% (9016/13 257) of them were live birth. The estimated total number of selected 21 birth defects was 96 75895% CI (96 447, 96 758) from 2012 to 2016 in Guangdong, and the annual total prevalence was 106. 56, 98. 70, 105. 50, 105. 83 and 105. 76 per 10 000 births, respectively. The tendency was stable (χ2=0. 795, P=0. 373). The specific prevalence of each birth defect varies greatly. The prevalence of of cleft palate, hypospadia, ankylodactyly, hyperdactylia, and equinovarus showed an increasing tendency. The prevalence of anencephaly, cleft spine, cenencephalocele, congenital hydrocephalus, cleft lip, cleft lip with plate, limbs crispation, acromphalus, and abdominal cleft showed a decreasing tendency.Conclusion In Guangdong, there is a heavy burden of birth defects, and the interventions on birth defects shows initial effects.


