

Analysis of influencing factors of overweight in preschool children

  • 摘要: 目的 分析影响北京市石景山区学龄前儿童超重的主要因素,为采取干预措施提供理论依据。方法 2016年10-12月,采用整群抽样的方法,随机抽取6所一级一类幼儿园作为目标幼儿园,对目标幼儿园的所有儿童共1724人进行问卷调查。将人口学特征、家庭因素、生活方式和饮食习惯作为自变量进行多因素Logistic回归分析。结果 学龄前儿童超重率11.5%(男童5.3%、女童6.2%),经多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,父母BMI高是学龄前儿童超重的危险因素;父母对儿童肥胖的认知度高、进食多种蔬菜是学龄前儿童超重的保护因素。结论 在本次调查中学龄前儿童超重发病率高,应针对相关因素进一步加强相关研究,有效预防学龄前儿童超重的发生。


    Abstract: Objectives To identify major factors of overweight in preschool children, and to provide theoretical basis for intervention measures.Methods A cluster sampling method was used. Questionnaires were distributed to total of 1724 parents of preschool children from six First-class kindergartens from October to December of 2016. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to identify potential correlates.Results The prevalence rates of overweight preschool children was 11. 5% (5. 3% for boys and 6. 2% for girls). Multiple Logistic regression analysis showed that rparents' high BMI was a risk factor for overweight in preschool children. Parents' high awareness of childhood obesity and consumption of a variety of vegetables were protective factors for overweight in preschoolers.Conclusions The incidence of overweight among preschool children in this survey was higher. Early intervention measures should be taken for reducing the incidence and development of overweight among preschool children. In order to prevent the occurrence of overweight among preschool children, the related research should be further strengthened.


