

Analysis on medical service radius of a tertiary women and children's health care institution in Guangdong

  • 摘要: 目的 分析广东某三甲妇幼保健机构医疗保健服务半径变化情况,为制定妇幼保健机构发展规划提供参考。方法 收集2014-2017年该院住院患者病案首页中服务对象基本信息,描述性分析患者来源构成情况,构成比进行卡方检验。结果 2014-2017年该院住院患者157 654例,分别来自本市内、本省外市、外省(含港澳台及境外),占比为76.08%、21.87%、2.05%。住院患者主要集中在产科、新生儿科、妇科、儿科,占比80.33%,以上主要业务科室的大部分患者来源为本市内,特色专科如心脏外科、乳腺科、生殖科、小儿外科则有较多患者来自非本市地区,且比例在逐年增加。结论 4年间该院医疗业务增长明显,医疗服务半径逐渐扩大,医院品牌影响力不断增强。


    Abstract: Objective To provide reference for making plan of women and children's health institutions, by analyzing the change of medical service radius of a tertiary women and children's health care hospital in Guangdong. Method The basic information of inpatients was collected from medical records from 2014 to 2017. The regional distribution of them was described and analyzed by chisquare test.Results 157 654 records were collected. The proportion of the patients from Guangzhou, other cities of Guangdong and other provinces was 76. 08% (119 938/157 654), 21. 87% (4481/157 654) and 2. 05% (3235/157 654), respectively. Most of the patients came from departments of obstetrics, neonatology, pediatricsand gynecology, and most of them lived in Guangzhou. Most of the inpatients from characteristic professional subjects including departments of cardiac surgery, pediatric surgery galactophore, reproductive medicine department were come from places outside Guangzhou. The proportion of this type of patients increased with years.Conclusion During the four years, the medical business growth increased obviously. The medical service radius enlarged gradually, and the brand influence enhanced yearly.


