

Analysis report of infant hearing screening results from 2014 to 2016 in Yingquan District of Fuyang

  • 摘要: 目的 分析近年来阜阳市颍泉区婴儿听力筛查状况,为进一步完善听力筛查工作提供依据。方法 采用德国产瞬态声耳声发射(TE)对在颍泉区分娩的新生儿或在区外分娩第一次体检的婴儿进行听力筛查,初筛未通过者1个月后复筛,仍未通过者上转市级、省级听力诊断中心确诊。结果 对2014-2016年颍泉区3年的12 492名婴儿听力筛查情况进行分析,初筛阳性率7.85%,复筛阳性率6.26%,听力障碍检出率为1.52‰;男女之间、左右耳之间听力障碍检出率差别无统计学意义(P>0.05),仅52.6%的听力障碍儿接受干预。结论 听力筛查是早期发现听力障碍儿最行之有效的方法,加强宣教,提高复筛率、确诊率以及干预率。


    Abstract: Objective To analyze the status of infant hearing screening in Yingquan district in recent years, in order to provide basis evidence to further improve the work of hearing screening.Methods TE was used to screen the hearing of newborns who gave birth in or outside yingquan district at the first time physical examination. The infants who failed the first screening were re-screened after one month, and those who still failed re-screening were transferred to the municipal and provincial hearing diagnosis centers for diagnosis.Results The screening results showed that among 12 492 infants, the positive rate of first screening was 7. 85%. the positive rate of second screening was 6. 26%. The detection rate of hearing impairment was 1. 52‰ in yingquan district from 2014 to 2016. There was no significant difference between male and female and between left and right ears (P> 0. 05). Only 52. 6% of hearing impaired children received intervention.Conclusion Hearing screening is the most effective method for early detection of hearing impaired children. It is necessary to strengthen health education and improve the re-screening rate, diagnosis rate and intervention rate.


