

Analysis of the medical complaints among one third grade maternal and children 's health institution

  • 摘要: 目的 了解妇幼保健院中患者医疗投诉的数量、内容,科室分布以及被投诉对象等特点,为医院改善服务,提高患者满意度提出建议。方法 分析2016年某三级妇幼保健院所有投诉登记材料。结果 2016年,门诊患者医疗投诉率为0.83/万,住院患者投诉率为2.43/万;服务态度和医患沟通是患者投诉的主要内容,且门诊患者的投诉内容和住院患者存在差异,具有统计学意义(P <0.05);医生、医技人员等与患者的接触较多的人员被投诉率较高。结论 应从细化投诉管理制度、加强对医生、护士人际关系沟通技巧的培训和实践、加强投诉管理、加强投诉信息电子化、统计分析制度化等途径入手,进一步改善医疗保健服务质量、提高患者满意度。


    Abstract: Objective To understand the characteristic of medical complaints of maternal and child health institutions, such as the number, content, distribution of department, objects who were complained, and provide the foundation to improve patient satisfaction in the future.Methods All of the medical complaints registered in 2016 were analyzed.Results In 2016, the rate of outpatient medical complaints was 0. 83 per ten thousand; the rate of inpatient complaints was 2. 43 per ten thousand. Service attitude and doctorpatient communication were the main contents of complaints, and the difference between outpatient complaints and hospitalized complaints in the complaints content was statistically significant (P< 0. 05). There was higher rate in doctors and medical technicians who was complained.Conclusion Health institutions need to strengthen the humanities education so as to improve the communication skills of medical personnel and patients, and improve service attitude, together with strengthening the electronic information of complaints and statistical analysis system, and in order to improve patients' satisfaction.


