

Analysis on implementation of national continuing medical education programme in National Center for Women and Children's Health,China CDC during 2007-2014

  • 摘要: 目的 分析2007-2014年中国疾病预防控制中心妇幼保健中心(妇幼中心)举办的国家级继续医学教育项目开展情况,为今后提高项目管理和培训质量提供参考。方法 用Excel2007对国家继续医学教育项目(CME)网上申报及信息反馈系统中2007-2014年妇幼中心组织申报、举办的项目执行情况进行统计分析,包括项目内容、培训天数、授课师资职称、学员职称、学员学历、学员对培训效果满意度等。结果 2007-2014年妇幼中心共获批CME项目70项,实际开展63项,执行率为90%;培训内容主要有24项,培训天数以3~5天为主;授课教师中具有正高级职称的占80.7%;接受培训的学员中级及以下职称占56.4%、本科及以下学历占74.6%;学员普遍对培训各方面情况比较满意。结论 2007-2014年妇幼中心承担的CME项目总体执行情况良好,项目的内容与我国妇幼保健工作紧密结合,在规范与推动妇幼保健机构规范化建设、推广新技术、新理念方面发发挥了积极的作用。今后应加强监督与评价,今后应更紧密结合基层需求,进一步提CME项目的培训质量。


    Abstract: Objective To analyze the implementation of national continuing medical education(CME) programme in National Center for Women and Children's Health,China CDC(NCWCH) during 2007-2014,in order to provide reference for improving the quality of CME project management and training quality.Methods The data was collected from national CME system,excel 2007 was used to analysis the data of the program of NCWCH during 2007-2014,which contained programme content,training days,teachers' profession,students' degree and students' satisfaction.Results During 2007 to 2014,NCWCH had approved 70 national CME projects,and executed 63 projects actually,the executed rate was 90%; the training content mainly contained 24 items,training days mainly focused on 3 to 5 days; 80.7% of the teachers were senior title of professional. 56.4% of the students who accepted training were intermediate and under the title,and 74.6% of them was bachelor degree or under the degree. Students were satisfied with the training conditions.Conclusions During 2007 to 2014,NCWCH executed CME project well,the content of the projects was connected with the work of maternal and child health,and play an active action on standardization construction of maternal and child health institution,new technique generalize and new concept. It should be strengthened supervision and evaluation,integrate basic institutions' demand and improve the quality of CME projects.


