

A survey of adolescent physical health and sexual education among junior high school students in Lhasa City

  • 摘要: 目的 了解掌握拉萨市初中学生艾滋病防治知识和性教育现状,为藏区初中学校开设青春期生理卫生保健与性教育课程提供基础数据。方法 本调查于2015年12月,整群随机抽取拉萨市城关区2所初中学校的809名学生,发放统一编制的《中学生青春期保健与性健康教育现状调查问卷表》进行问卷调查。结果 生殖器官的认知和艾滋病传播途径等相关知识知晓率比较低,生殖器官的知晓率都低于50%;认为通过共同就餐、握手和共同学习传播艾滋病的学生分别占63.3%、51.3%和35%;对月经和遗精持有害羞、恐惧和困惑态度分别占69%、35.5%和74%;只有50.8%的学生认为随意和网友会面是危险的。藏族学生的知晓率和防范意识明显低于汉族,经比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 拉萨市初中学生的青春期生理卫生知识和青少年艾滋病知识水平不高,青春期生理卫生与性教育、安全防范和毒品危害教育等有待普及。


    Abstract: Objective To understand the situation of HIV prevention knowledge and sexual education among junior high school students in Lhasa City, and to provide basic data and information for the adolescent physiological health and sex education courses in Tibetan junior middle schools.Methods Cluster sampling was carried out and 809 students in 2 junior high schools in Chengguan district of Lhasa were selected randomly in December 2015, the students answered the questionnaire which named"A questionnaire on the situation of adolescent physical health and sexual health education among junior high school students".Results The junior high school students have a very low awareness of reproductive organs (< 50%) and HIV prevention knowledge; 63.3%, 51.3% and35% of the students thought that HIV can be transmitted through dining, handshaking and study together respectively; 69%, 35.5%and 74%% of the students were shy, fearful and confused about menstruation and nocturnal emission respectively; only 50.8% of the students thought it was dangerous to meet friends via Network. Students with Tibetan nationality had lower awareness rate and risk prevention consciousness than students with Han nationality (P < 0.05).Conclusion The level of adolescent physiological health knowledge and HIV prevention knowledge is low among junior high school students in Lhasa, it should be popularize the contents of adolescent physiological health and sexual education, risk prevention consciousness and drug prevention education for every student.


