

Investigation of 339 infants about sleep status

  • 摘要: 目的 了解肥东县儿童睡眠问题的发生率,进一步分析其发生可能存在的原因,以期提高婴儿的睡眠质量。方法 对2016年4-5月于安徽省肥东县妇幼保健计划生育服务中心儿童保健科定期体检的6~11月龄婴儿,采用根据国际睡眠障碍性疾病分类自编的《儿童睡眠行为相关问卷》(6-11月版)进行调查,对调查结果进行统计学分析。结果 婴儿睡眠问题的检出率为78.8%,男、女童在各类睡眠问题检出率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),婴儿入睡困难与睡前1小时兴奋或活动量过大有关(P=0.000),与夜间婴儿有动静时不恰当的应答方式有关(P=0.002);婴儿频繁夜醒与入睡时需要安抚(P=0.001)、夜间进食(P=0.016)及夜间不恰当的安抚方式(P=0.000)有关。结论 肥东县6~11个月婴儿睡眠问题的发生率较高,提示医务人员特别是儿童保健工作者需加强对家长进行睡眠知识和睡眠卫生宣教,帮助婴儿建立正常的睡眠模式,从而促进婴儿生长发育和神经心理行为的良好发展。


    Abstract: Objective To investigate the sleep status of 6-12 month infants and explore the associated factors in order to improve the sleep quality.Methods A total of 339 6-11 months healthy infants who took a routine medical examination in the department of children health care in Women and Children's Health Care & Family Planning Service Center of Feidong County were randomly choose as the subjects.The survey was conducted on the children's sleep behavior questionnaire (June-November edition) which based on the international classification of sleep disorders.Results The detection rate of infant sleep problems was 78.8%.There was no statistical difference in the detection rate of sleep problems between boy and girl (P>0.05).The difficulty of falling asleep was related to the high levels of excitement or activities before going to bed (P=0.000), and an inappropriate response to baby's movement during the night (P=0.002).The baby who awake frequently during the night was related to the reassurance before fall asleep (P=0.001), nocturnal eating (P=0.016), and the inappropriate soothing in the nighttime (P=0.000).Conclusions The detection rate of infant sleep problems in the 6-11 months in Feidong County was higher.It suggested that medical staff, especially children's health care workers, need to strengthen health education about sleep knowledge and sleep hygiene to parents, and to help babies to build normal sleep patterns in order to promot the development of infant growth and neuropsychological behavior.


