Analysis of the influencing factors and causes of working women's attitude towards the willingness to have a second Child
摘要: 2016年1月1日起,全面二胎政策在我国正式实施。是否生育二胎是众多家庭需要面对和讨论的问题。职业女性作为一个重要群体,其二胎生育意愿将对社会产生较大影响。本文主要探讨职业女性的二胎生育意愿的影响因素并分析原因。Abstract: The Two-child policy has been officially implemented nationwide in China since January 1 st, 2016. Whether or not to have a second child, therefore, becomes a issue for many families. The willingness to have a second child of working women, who are an important social group, will surely generate a great impact on society. This article will explore the influencing factors and causes of working women's attitude towards the willingness to have a second child.