Development Process and Reflection of Nutrition Improvement of Infants in Poor Rural Areas of China
Graphical Abstract
Nutrition of infants have a meaningful and profound influence on health status of childhood and adulthood,and the labor force in the future as well. With a branch of researches in China aiming at exploring the way to improve infants' nutrition since 1980 s,China has established the national standard of micronutrient supplements,and started to distribute micronutrient powder(MNP,or YYB in China) to infants aged 6-24-month-old living in poor rural areas in 22 provinces,municipality or autonomous regions nationwide without charge. The surveillance results show that the prevalence of anemia and stunting of 6-24-month-old children have statistically significant decreasing,as well as the lifting up of caregivers' perception about nutritious feeding of children. To make a fundamental change of infants' nutritional status in poor rural areas in China,besides to ramp up the compliance,it is important to popularize knowledge and skills of infant scientific feeding targeting infants' caregivers by health education and campaigns.