Objective To analyze factors associated with timely vaccination of national immunization program among children with non registered residence in Xiamen City, Fujian Province, and propose relevant intervention, so as to increase timely vaccination rate.
Methods A total of 3 000 non-registered resident children who needed to be vaccinated by the national immunization program in Lujiang community health service center, Siming District, Xiamen City from January 2019 to November 2021, were recruited as research subjects, and questionnaires were distributed to their parents. Totally 2 584 valid questionnaires were collected. Basic information and demography characteristics of children and their guardians were collected. Vaccination of national immunization program was investigated, and factors associated with timely vaccination rate were analyzed.
Results A total of 1 700 non-registered resident children received 5 vaccines in time, and the timely vaccination rate of 5 vaccines was 65.79% (1 700/2 584). Those who resided in local community > 3 months, had a vaccination certificate, guardian’s education level being high school or above, family income ≥ 5 000 yuan/month or above, guardian’s age < 50 years, and lived close to the vaccination site (< 3 000 m) had a higher timely rate of vaccination with 5 vaccines, and the differences were statistically significant (all P < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that short local resident time, no vaccination certificate, guardians’ educational level below high school, family income < 5 000 yuan/month, guardians’ age ≥ 50 years, and the distance between their residence and the vaccination site ≥ 3 000 m were risk factors affecting the rate of timely vaccination (all OR > 1 and all P < 0.05).
Conclusion Timely vaccination rate of national immunization program among children with non-registered residence is low. Corresponding intervention measures should be developed to focus on main risk factors, so as to increase timely vaccination rate.